Setting Up Your Call Blocking is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

Register all your numbers on the national Do Not Call List at
(If you’ve previously registered your number, no need to do it again. Registrations do not expire.)

There are several ways to block spam callers. Please call our Support department at 800.676.3995 and we’ll consult with you as to the best method for blocking spam calls to your office.

1. Navigate to, you should see the login page:

2. Enter your Extension and Domain, for example, 200@handyman, along with your password. If you don’t know your password, click Forgot Password to have a password reset email sent to you. Click Login.

3. You will want to block the number(s) at the Main Routing user. To find your Main Routing user, click on the Inventory tab.

4. Look for the Destination Number and make a note of it (e.g. ‘300’ and ‘705’ are both used for initial routing in this example).

5. Click on User tab.

6. Enter the Destination Number in the search field and choose the number in the drop down.

7. Click the pencil icon to the far right and choose Answering Rules in the drop down box.

8. Click the Allow/Block button and a pop up window will appear. Enter the 10-digit blocked number and click the ‘+‘ sign. Click Done when all number(s) have been added.

9. You’re all done!

If you have any additional questions or require additional assistance, please contact Support at 800.676.3995. We are available 8 AM to 9 PM EST, Monday through Friday. Or, feel free to contact us on our support page at: